Say goodbye to scouring event galleries for hours looking for those insta-worhty pics with your colleagues at the last conference you attended. Here is an AI tool worthy of a bookmark that was used at an event we helped produce this month with our clients at Primary Venture Partners.
NYC Summit used this exciting new AI tool, Clik! Clik allows you to upload a selfie to their software after the event where it will pluck your fabulous face out from the pictures taken throughout the day.
We all know what a nightmare (and eye-squintingly headache inducing) it can be to root through thousands of pictures and tiny thumbnails to get a glimpse of yourself enjoying the event, so Clik is to the rescue!
Clik opens up a new door of possibilities for us #eventprofs so don’t be surprised when we offer this cool and efficient tool on our next collaboration.
We want to make sure the entire experience is thoughtful, on and off the screen, and we can’t wait to enhance the post-event experience for attendees. See it for yourself!